Pool wall types?

Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for creating Pool Doctor and now pooldash. I’m really happy to have such a handy tool!

My question/suggestion is about pool wall types. I’m using a galvanized steel stock tank as a pool (with a pump/filter and chlorine, as seen below), so none of the current wall options apply to me. Which do you suggest I select?

(Because stock tank pools are becoming increasisngly popular, it may be worth adding galvanized steel as an option.)

Hey Anna,

I’m glad you like my apps, thanks for the kind words.

That’s a beautiful outdoor space, I love the colors of the ground, fence, sky, and of course the pool!

For now, I’d recommend you select Vinyl. I’ll add galvanized steel as an option for wall-selection in the next update. I’m testing it now, hopefully I’ll be able to push out a release in the next week or so:

Thanks for the feedback!