1,284 litre hot tub. Got an 11ppm free chlorine reading (fine for a spa) and a total chlorine reading of 25. The app recommended putting a LOT of calcium hypochlorite in. I thought it was odd but figured it must know what it’s doing. My spa is now full of extra strong bleach with readings off the chart and I really hope it hasn’t damaged it. Now having to drain it, and refill it with cold water which is going to cost me.
Did I do something wrong or does the app have a bug?
Formula set to Chlorine (calc-hypo), custom chlorine max level of 11, everything else default.
As another change, perhaps we should auto-select a formula for spas (vs pools) if your volume is below a certain amount… I’ll put some thought into this as well.
It can be frustrating to start up a system that’s been neglected for a while, but then it’s easier to maintain afterwards.
Thanks for posting your experience with the app here, it’s already made the product better for everyone (current and future users).
I also wonder if I should add some additional messaging that “your readings are way out of range”? I thought that the sliders having a certain range would indicate the normal values, but maybe I could be more direct with that messaging…